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Faculty Senate Statement on Shared Governance

Shared Governance Statement (12 November 2018)

TCU is a community of interdependent stakeholders that believes in meaningful involvement of its constituents in the shared governance of the university. This community recognizes that decisions and actions in any sector have implications for all other sectors. Shared governance means that all stakeholder groups participate in deliberation and decision-making.  This critical participation requires a clear understanding and observation of roles, responsibilities, and channels of communication among faculty, administration, staff, students, and trustees.

TCU reaffirms its historical commitment to the practice of shared governance, which means that faculty, staff, and students – through their elected bodies – are consulted prior to (and involved in) the formulation and implementation of policies that affect them.

Faculty Perspective on Shared Governance

TCU faculty can effectively share in governance by playing an active role in decisions regarding the formulation, amendment, or abolition of all policies that affect them at the university, college, and department levels. They can also share in governance by participating in long-term planning and decision making throughout the university. Playing an active role and participating in long-term planning require meaningful representation, through the Faculty Senate and/or elected faculty representatives, at all levels of decision making, including the Chancellor’s Cabinet and Board of Trustees.

  • Elected representatives must be faculty whose chief duties are teaching and/or research, not administration. Consequently, faculty members whose primary current roles are administrative cannot effectively serve as faculty representatives.
  • The Faculty Senate is the appropriate body to determine whether a policy or practice affects the faculty.
  • Proactive and sustained communication by all stakeholders is essential for effective shared governance.