Faculty Relations Committee
Chair: Kelly McCormick
FSEC Liaison: James Rodriguez
Members: Sarah Angle, Richard Galvin, Eric Gonzales, Hadi Hosainy, Marlo Jeffries, Adam King, Laurel Lynch, Thomas Moeller, Kimberly Owczarski, David Sandell, Krista Scott, Allison Stamatis, Daniel Williams, Qinghua Yang
The Faculty Relations Committee shall monitor the effectiveness of University policies on faculty conditions of employment and work environment, tenure, promotion, and grievance, and serve as a liaison with Human Relations on faculty benefits and compensation.
Standing Charges
- Monitor the effectiveness of University policies on tenure, promotion, and grievance as set forth in the Faculty and Staff Handbook.
- Monitor the effectiveness and outcomes of faculty conflict resolution processes for ensuring due process.
- Represent the faculty on issues on benefits and compensation with Human Resources.
Special Charges I
Pass the Resolution Supporting the Fundamental Importance of Academic Freedom
- Improve working relations and trust between the TCU faculty and the TCU administration
- Request a plan to restore inflation-adjusted pre-pandemic salaries and benefits
- Advocate for Faculty Senate representatives on Board of Trustees and Chancellor’s Cabinet
Special Charge II
Current Items to be Monitored
- The timing and scope of sabbaticals
- Processes for changes to Faculty 180
- Open lines of communication with Human Resources
- Representation on the Board of Trustees