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Instructional Support and Evaluation Committee


Chair: TBA
FSEC Liaison: TBA
Members: TBA

The Instructional Support and Evaluation Committee shall represent faculty interests on issues of 1. Evaluating teaching quality, and 2. Teaching support, including instructional technology, training, and classroom and online environments.

Standing Charges

  1. Represent the interests of faculty on issues of teaching quality and support (technology, services, resources/training, classroom).
  2. Act as a consultative body for the University Evaluation Committee regarding electronic Student Perception of Teaching (eSPOT) survey policies and practices.
  3. Appoint the next chair of the EEC committee during the final meeting of the academic year.

Special Charges

  1. Share with deans and department chairs the findings from the 2022 EEC survey of TCU faculty used to measure faculty members’ (a) understanding of and (b) satisfaction with the way their teaching is evaluated.
  2. Look deeper into the 2022 EEC survey data—especially the qualitative data, to identify specific issues that need more attention. For instance, some comments in the survey indicated that non-tenure-track faculty did not receive as much feedback on their teaching as tenure-track faculty. Other comments suggested dissatisfaction among adjuncts.

End-of-year report 2022–2023